The kickoff for the Innovative Teacher Project Roundtable
Series on Saturday, January 25th was hosted by the Early Childhood
Education Department (ECE) of the JCCSF.
The focus for the roundtables this year is on Global
Citizenship and Social Justice as Values in Reggio Inspired Schools.
Although the roundtable took place in the main JCCSF and the Helen Diller
Family Preschool, it was a collaborative hosting by all three of our preschools
(Brotherhood Way Preschool and Rosenberg Preschool). Teachers from Brotherhood
Way, Diller, and Rosenberg gave presentations, engaged in dialogue and
exchange, and facilitated a tour of the preschool.
Parent volunteers facilitating registration
Pam Schneider, JCCSF ECE Director and Heather Morado, ITP Executive Director welcoming attendees
Along with a few of my colleagues, I was a roving
photographer during the presentations so was able to hear a bit of each talk.
These were the topics and presenters:
"Embracing the Rights of Children through a Multicultural Lens"
- Linda Blum and Kelsey Gilberg; Diller Preschool
presenters did a great job of sharing the educators lens on Children’s Rights."
presenters linked the expansive threads of the Native American project to the
Global Bill of Rights. The break out
group offered us more time to reflect on the topic."
"The Right to Identity: Strengthening Community
and Culture through Home/School Connections" - Anica Leon-Weil and Mari
Galarza; Diller Preschool
"The teachers spoke from a place of intention and
"I am a Citizen of the World: Exporlation of the
Link between Social Development, Jewish Values and Self Portraits"
-Erica Chiaruci, Jamie Magpoc, Mandy Rubin, Carolina Venezia, and Lauren
Hastings; Brotherhood Way Preschool
"I loved the
continuity from the 2 yr olds through the five year olds, involving the
"I really enjoyed
listening to the children’s conversations and hearing their voices."
"Making Connections, Building Community: Exploring Tzedakah" -Molly Preece and Tracey Nelson; Rosenberg Center
"It was lovely to see how the Jewish values are actively
incorporated into the classroom, community can curriculum. What a meaningful way to live the values."
visitors into our school is always such an honor and learning experience. We
are thankful that over a hundred and twenty visitors from all of the Bay Area
took the time on a Saturday morning to thoughtfully engage in the presentations
and dialogue, visit our classrooms, make insightful observations, and ask so
many thought provoking questions. As a community, we always look forward to
welcoming visitors, especially other educators to our schools. I find that I
learn so much from the questions that are asked and that engaging in dialogue
about our teaching practice helps us to revisit our systems, environment, and
general approach. Many attendees stopped by the studio, curious to check out
the space and explore how work in the studio and with other resource teachers
supports the classroom curriculum. I even had the opportunity to connect with a
few studio teachers from other Reggio inspired schools.
big thank you to our parent volunteers that helped with registration and
supported the teachers throughout the day, their assistance helped the event
run very smoothly. Thank you also to all of the teachers that put so much time
and thought into their presentations. The stories they presented with accompanying
images, their openness to discuss the triumphs and challenges of their work,
and enthusiasm to share their interpretation of the ITP theme for the year was
truly inspiring.
Here are a few more images and participant reflections from the day.
"Today’s presentation gave me great ideas to introduce into
my program."
"This is one of the best roundtables I have attended."
Welcoming visitors to the Bet Classroom.
Connecting with colleagues in the Vov Classroom.
Mari discussing the cave exploration with a visitor.
Exploring our Intention for the Year (Documentation) and classroom research questions in the hallway.
"Beautiful spaces and well written documentation. A really
great job of making projects visible."
Studio painting easels
Art Studio
The lobby
Materials Library
"The center looks wonderful—beautiful, interesting, full of
the children’s voices and visions. It is
clear that the educators here are dedicated, reflective and hard working."
Gimel and the Courtyard
De Groat, Helen Diller Family Preschool Studio Teacher/Curriculum Specialist